Reflexology is a hands-on complementary health therapy involving application of pressure to reflex areas on our feet and hands, which correspond to each organ and body part. Reflexology is offered to help bring the person back into balance so that the body can nurture and repair itself. It is a natural, non-intrusive and safe method of activating the self-healing potential of the body and has no side effects.
The power of massage therapy is due to the process that triggers our body through the appropriate strokes: Through proper contact with the soft tissues of the body, massage relaxes the muscles, helps improve blood circulation, and thus, causes the elimination of muscles ‘waste’ substances that accumulate in them due to fatigue, and respectively in the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, it can reduce stress, relieve pain, improve the image of the skin and make even a healthy person experience a sense of well-being. However, there are already many types of massage, each using a different technique to achieve their therapeutic purpose.
Sujok is a therapeutic method which is used on the extremities to achieve results similar to acupuncture. It has the advantage of being a simple, efficient and safe process. It is an easy technique and its results are often spectacular. It is a system for awakening your body, health and well-being. By stimulating specific points one can relieve pain and harmonize the function of internal organs.
Through the placement of the hands, vital energy is transferred which activates the self-healing forces and supports the healing of the body. Reiki is greatly combined with other treatment methods and therapies and can be applied in medical and psychotherapeutic treatments. It acts on the physical body, the emotional, mental and spiritual level. In all cases it offers a deep sense of relaxation.
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